Return & Cancellation

Return & Cancellation?

While most items can be returned for a refund or replacement within a 07-day return window, return policies may be different across product categories. Please check the Returns Policies for details on the returns policies of specific product categories.

If I request for a replacement, when will I get it?

Visit My Orders to check the status of your replacement.

In most locations, the replacement item is delivered to you at the time of pick-up. In all other areas, the replacement is initiated after the originally delivered item is picked up. Please check the SMS & email we send you for your replacement request for more details.

Can items be returned after the time period mentioned in the Returns Policy? 

No, will not be able to accept returns after the time period mentioned in the  Returns Policy.

How do returns work?

You can raise a request to return your items with these simple steps:

1. Log into your account

2. Go to My Orders

3. Click on 'Return' against the item you wish to return or exchange

4. Fill in the details and raise a return request

Once you raise a request, you'll get an email and SMS confirming that your request is being processed. Based on the item, your request may be automatically approved or you may be contacted for more details. If the request is approved, the item will be picked up after which you will get a replacement or refund. You can also track the status of your return request instantly from the 'My Orders' section of your account.

I see the 'Cancel' button but I can't click on it. Why?

A greyed out and disabled 'Cancel' button can mean any one of the following:

1. The item has been delivered already


2. The item is non-refundable

In case of any concern, Contact Us

Registered Office Address

Saibaba Nagar, 90 Feet Road,

Near Himalaya Hotal, Dharavi Mumabi. 400017, India

Telephone: +918226811003
